The Art of Writing an Estimate for an Insurance Claim: A Beginners' Guide


When it comes to dealing with insurance claims, particularly in the roofing and restoration industry, a thorough and accurate estimate is key. It's the blueprint that guides insurance carriers to understand the extent of damage and the associated repair costs. However, many contractors grapple with preparing these estimates, often resulting in inadequate compensation for their hard work.

Understanding Insurance Claims

Before diving into how to write an estimate, it's crucial to understand what an insurance claim involves. A claim is a formal request made by a policyholder to an insurance company, asking for coverage or compensation for a covered loss or policy event. For contractors, this often relates to damages that necessitate roof repairs or property restoration. A well-detailed estimate plays an instrumental role in this claim process, as it determines the payout from the insurance company.

Essential Elements of an Insurance Claim Estimate

An effective insurance claim estimate must include several key elements. The first is labor costs: this is the cost of the workforce required to complete the repair or restoration. Next is material costs, which covers the expense of all necessary materials needed for the job. Overheads (also known as indirect costs), such as administration, utilities, and equipment, should also be factored in. Lastly, don't forget to include profit margins to ensure a sustainable business operation.

In addition to the cost breakdown, your estimate should also have detailed descriptions of the work involved and clear documentation. This could include photographs, diagrams, or any other evidence that supports the costs detailed in your estimate.

The Importance of Using Industry-Standard Estimating Tools

There are various tools available to help contractors write accurate estimates, but one of the most widely accepted within the insurance industry is Xactimate. Xactimate is a software solution that simplifies and streamlines the estimating process. It provides updated price lists, templates for various jobs, and a platform for easily itemizing and detailing each component of the estimate.

Leveraging Professional Estimating Services for Insurance Claims

Writing estimates for insurance claims can be time-consuming and complex, particularly for contractors juggling multiple jobs and administrative tasks. This is where professional estimating services, such as Unclaimed Supplements, can be invaluable.

Utilizing a service like Unclaimed Supplements offers several benefits. It saves you time and reduces the chance of errors in your estimates. More importantly, it could potentially increase your payout, as their experienced team knows exactly how to compile comprehensive, accurate estimates that maximize insurance claims.


Writing an accurate estimate for an insurance claim is an essential skill for contractors. It requires an understanding of both the claim process and the various components of an estimate. By leveraging industry-standard tools like Xactimate and employing the services of professional estimating firms like Unclaimed Supplements, you can simplify the process, save valuable time, and ensure you're adequately compensated for your work. Try Unclaimed Supplements today and experience the difference a professional touch can make to your insurance claim estimates.


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